Saturday, April 21, 2012

job 226: administrative associate @ stanford


job 225: football administrative assistant @ sjsu

this would be so cool!

job 224: operations coordinator @ california community college system


job 223: administrative assistant @ stanford


job 222: clerkship coordinator @ stanford obgyn

sign me up.

job 221: operations assistant @ ucsc extension

this would be great -- it's at uc santa cruz's extension in santa clara. sign me up!

job 220: student services specialist @ stanford

sss. yesss.

job 219? student services assistant at stanford

let's talk.
Thank you for applying for the Program Coordinator position with Reasoning Mind. After a careful review of the assignments you have submitted, we have decided to interview other candidates for the position.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

update: major rejection

"Thank you for your interest in University of Phoenix.  We have received your application for the associate faculty position.  Unfortunately we are not able to extend an invitation for you to move forward in the hiring process at this time.  Please know that your excellent qualifications were thoroughly considered against the needs of the position."

The worst part: it was a pool. As in, a group of people that we might ask to teach for us at some vague point in the future. Ouch.

Medical Staff Credential Assistant

Qualifiedbut not selected

update: program assistant at usf social justice dept

nope. quick turnaround time, though! one day?! I wish all HR departments were that fast! course... makes you wonder why the job was still posted, if it had already been filled...

update: medical records technician @ bureau of prisons

eligible, but not selected.

job 214: program associate @ stanford

THis is a cool job -- it requires the lucky winner to coordinate and facilitate the arts in dorms and with undergrads. Sounds great to me! I decided that since it was all about the arts, I might as well go all out and cite a Stanford professor in the cover letter, and I did -- I referenced Eavan Boland's "That the science of cartography is limited."

Oh, and I also emailed her a copy of it!
Here's to hoping!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Student Services Advisor


Public Affairs Specialist, GS-1035-9/11

Position cancelled

EO & Workforce Planning Analyst


Social Service Program Assistant


Medi-Cal Program Assistant


job 209: TSA agent in Monterey


job 208: second cook @ NOAA


job 207: correctional officer @ bureau of prisons

hopefully in Dublin.

job 206: auditor @ Defense Contract Audit Agency

sweet. I can be very critical.

job 205: clerk @ some government agency

it didn't say. but if they're hiring, I'm interested.

job 204: teacher at federal penitentiary Atwater

Cool. Sign me up.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

job 203: security guard @ camp parks

"this job requires excessive standing, for 12 hours at a time."
perfect. I love standing.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Thursday, April 12, 2012

they want me! they really want me!

Got a call from a recruiter for a position that pays 13 bucks an hour. Tempting, but not exactly what I am looking for.

Monday, April 9, 2012

job 200: Program Assistant IV, Graduate Admissions and Asian Studies @ university of san francisco

What a milestone! I am up to job #200! Of course, I am not sure that this really is such a wonderful milestone, since what I'd really like is to simply land something full-time with benefits, and I feel like I've been treading water for a while now. But still -- "200" is a milestone, and darnit, I'm going to celebrate it, despite the fact that,  there are certainly strong arguments to be made that it's actually quite pathetic.

But here's what I am going to celebrate:
1. I've stuck with this  Pandora Approach plan through 200 job applications now! That is impressive in a certain sense... kinda like the artist who nails 1,000 bags of dirt to the wall. A bag of dirt is just a bag of dirt. But 1,000 bags of dirt? That's something. And so I can take some small degree of pleasure in the fact that despite the repeated negativity of being rejected time and time and time again, I ain't giving up. (I know, I wrote, "ain't." That's to indicate my toughness and doggedness.")
2. I also want to celebrate all those who have been so supportive of this humiliating quest; from comments, to suggestions, to resume revisions, to lending me job hunting books, to asking around on my behalf, and more, I am deeply and profoundly appreciative of all that support. Thank you.
3. I am going to celebrate the THREE call-backs/interviews I have gone through so far. I 1.5% phone call/interview success rate is not particularly impressive, but I'll take what I can get. One was a solar power company that wanted me to do sales. But after talking to the guy, I realized that this was NOT a good fit -- for them or me. Panera sounded promising, but I don't think I can raise a family on $22,000/year. And finally, the after-school program -- it's not much money, but it is good benefits. So that's something to consider. Of course, they're still reviewing candidates, but I had two interviews with them -- that's a good sign, right?!

And so, it is with a celebratory attitude that I announce my 200th job application since starting this blog. "Program Assistant IV" doesn't sound like a sexy title, but you know what? The University of San Francisco does good work, pays a good wage, offers excellent benefits, and a job there would allow me to pursue a doctorate in Education or go to law school and work to further human rights around the world. If I were lucky enough to land this position, I would be over the moon! So here's to hoping, and here's to you, dear reader, who has been so supportive, and here's to you, job seeker, if you and I have that in common: don't give up!

Finally, this: Thank you.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

job 193: Program Assistant V @ usf

law school registrar's office. cool!

job 192: student services assistant @ uc berkeley


job 191: graduate admissions specialist @ stanford school of electrical engineering

awesome! i love engineers!

job 190: catalog and curriculum specialist @ csueb

cool. sign me up!

job 189: editorial assistant @ Inkling

Okay, this job is way cool. Inkling does interactive textbooks for the iPad. Sounds pretty straightforward, but when you think about all the amazing opportunities that technology would allow, well, I'm pretty much bouncing around in my chair thinking about all that could be. This would be a great place to work -- they do good work that I both have a background in and am excited about. What more could I want?! Here's to hoping!

Monday, April 2, 2012

job 188: administrative associate @ stanford dept. of psychiatry

it's only a 50% position, but who knows -- it might turn into something full-time.

job 187: administrative associate @ stanford

this is a different one. sign me up!

job 186: investigative assistant @ immigration and customs


job 185: medical records technician @ bureau of prisons

excellent! sign me up!

job 184: special education teacher @ bureau of prisons

awesome. right in dublin!

update on 153: counseling assistant @ contra costa community college district


job 183: administrative associate @ stanford school of medicine

sweet -- hook me up!

job 182: program assistant @ usf


job 181: student services coordinator @ stanford

Working with students? At Stanford? Sweet! Go Cardinal! Those sisters are amazing!