Friday, February 17, 2012

A dangerous strategy?

Some people have been asking me, "Kevin, don't you think it's a bad plan to be so public with your job search? Won't your boss get mad?"

No. My boss is awesome! He's told me from the beginning that he knows that my current position is less than ideal. I want full-time work, and due to the crummy economy and budget cuts, there just is no realistic way that my current position is ever going to turn into a full-time job. And, I am 100% confident that he is doing everything he can to change that. However, the reality is that he's not God -- while he can do a lot, he can't do the impossible.

Actually, if there was a way to turn my job into full-time, I would sign on in a heartbeat! I love my job, I get along really well with my boss, my colleagues are super, my students are great, and the location is ideal. The only two downsides are the lack of full-time-ness and the lack of benefits. Other than that, I would want to stay forever! Here's to hoping for a miracle -- that it DOES become full-time!

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