Friday, February 24, 2012

East Bay Works / Federal WIA Program

I went to the Tri-Cities Career Center to see what they could do for me jobwise. They wanted me to sign up for a federally-funded program called WIA -- they do workshops about job hunting. And if you ever want to get one-on-one job counseling, you have to go through this program. Here's my conversation with the receptionist:
Receptionist: "So would you like to sign up for the WIA program?"
Me: "Well, how successful is it?"
R: "Oh, very successful!"
Me: "So... like... 50% of the participants find jobs?"
R: "We have to reapply for the grant every year, and we keep getting it, so I'd say it's pretty successful!"
Me: "Okay, so... 90% of the people get jobs?"
R: "I don't think they would keep renewing our grant unless we helped people find jobs!"
Me: "I see. So you don't actually keep statistics on how many people in the program actually find jobs?"
R: "Of  course we keep statistics! It's a federal requirement!"
Me: "Okay, so what percentage of participants find jobs?"
R: "Well, that number changes every year. You see, we have to report yearly data."
Me: "Okay. So in 2011, what percentage of participants found jobs?"
R: "A lot!"
Me: "Like... 25%? 75%?"
R: "I dont' have that data right in front of me."
Me: "Okay, does someone in the office have that data?"
R: "My boss."
Me: "Can I talk to your boss?"
R: "I can give you her email address."
Me: "Okay, thanks."
R: So would you like to sign up for the WIA program?"
Me: "I think I'd like to find out how successful it is, first."
R: "Okay. Are there any other questions I can help you with today?"
Me: "Thanks, but I'm good for now."

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